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A FULL HOUR of YIN! get stuck in and get ready to release. The things we push down, the awkward feelings, the stored pain from our past and our old beliefs are craving for us to allow them to come up with Compassion and Kindness. We need to be able to feel these emotions, to nurture them and see them, in order to be able to heal. What we don’t release will start to present in our bodies as inflammation, dis-ease and sickness. Enjoy this hour of release, I certainly did.

Yin Yoga is one of my faves. Here is a quick and simple 20 minute practice to help bring you a bit of space in the body and in the mind. Enjoy.


Im not afraid to tell it how it is, as avoidance of feelings and emotions causes energy to get stuck. . If you find that you are fighting the same battle with your body and mind, take some time, grab a cuppa and have a listen. With love x

Latest Upload from YouTube 30 Min Grounding Flow for whenever we feel anxiety, stress, imbalanced or just need to ground down. Make sure you get your fave pooch involved in this one!

A practice ANYONE can do to help you fall asleep…But wait, don’t tell me you don’t have the time…if that is you then this is FOR YOU :) We are constantly now saying we are busy all the time. Sleep is KEY. If we don’t sleep well, we don’t function and we suffer high stress. Remember, its about YOU first, so that you can then fully look after and support others x


Shoulder Pain or Too Much Device use? Try these out? Too much device work, driving, computers, sitting has got our rhomboids and upper back muscles overstretched and here are some simple exercises you can do at home to create more space.

Keen to move better or need a morning routine? If you dont have one, you should. Why? Because that is when we set up our day. Stop checking your phone. Stop worrying about comments, likes or shares and wake up and say THANK YOU! YOU JUST TOOK ANOTHER BREATH ….yeeeewww!