The real issue is The Perfection Pandemic. Selfie and Snapchat dysmorphia is KILLING our kids”

Now is the time to act. Our autonomic nervous systems are cooked, wired and we are dissociated and numb.

Gratitude and love can only stem from a nervous system that feels safe.

My intention is to help you understand your Body and Mind from the inside out. To help you remain present, with the ability to know you have a choice with the moments that unfold around us.

It is only from presence that we can CHOOSE kindness and compassion for ourselves rather than judgment or comparison
— Meg Linton - Watch YA Language

The real Pandemic is The Perfection Pandemic.

Selfie and snapchat dysmorphia is killing our kids.

Did you notice that the first ten seconds of this video are edited? I used the ‘hourglass” edit on perfect me to modify my body. This is absolutely not ok.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t just affect our kids. Adults are caught up in the trends, apps, filters and body editing that IS our world today.

Monkey see. Monkey do. So if we make a change, it will have a ripple effect.

Research states that 70% of Females and 50% of Males choose to filter or edit their photos before posting to Social Media sites.

We are always a teacher to someone…

Suicide Attempts, Self-Harm and Eating Disorders have risen by nearly 50% in the last two years in our teens from 12 - 17 years old (source - NSW Health) It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for kids (and Adults) to receive direct help these days as many services are booked out for months on overload. We need something NOW and when we have the TOOLS, we are able to make the change.

It has been confirmed that FACE TUNE sees more than one million edited images downloaded each day — and phenomena such as ‘Instagram face’ and ‘Snapchat Dysmorphia’ run rife in this new technological terrain.” - Source Harper’s Bazaar

We are in a VERY REAL pandemic in an unreal world…where numbing and running have become the norm to escape how we really feel…

And I will not sit back and watch it unfold

I deliver keynote talks in schools on a topic that I believe we have ABSOLUTE control over.

If we have created what we are seeing on our social media, and we have…

Then we have the power to change it. And we will

For a full breakdown on my keynote talks, workshops, or 10 week term programs, follow the link here.

WYL School Keynote Talks

Ownership, authenticity and acceptance of what we have is key. If we are always searching, we will always be looking.

I share these talks to make change. Because change is what is needed in the world we are in today…and it will take each individual to make a stand to make a choice to be real, raw and unapologetically themselves on their social media feeds.

These talks are backed by four years of research whilst writing my book, Watch YA Language and Ii will not be quiet until we decide to embrace our bodies (and faces) as they are.

I encourage you right now to start to make the change by going #filterfree and choosing to support the movement of #bodyeditingisnotok.

“It might be uncomfortable…but you will face more discomfort staying the same”.


Please see attached PDF for all options. Both online and in person.

School will also receive 5 copies of Watch YA Language Hardcover to distribute as needed.

Video content on the BE HERE Method and how this can help bring awareness to our behaviors and actions.

Lifetime Access to a Private FB Group dedicated to Parents/Teachers as to how we can combat the Perfection Pandemic together.


Watch YA Language Shift YA Self Talk Workshops

The Watch YA Language Signature School Program is built from the heart up.

A burning desire to change the world starting with one individual at a time.

Kindness is key. It’s a simple word but a huge choice on the thoughts we think and the words we speak. It starts when we are young…when someone says something to us that we then believe to be true. It’s from that moment that we start to create a story around a belief…A belief that we are not good enough to get on the team, or not pretty enough to be in the cool group. Or we compare our bodies to that of someone on social media or on TV. It starts really young these days…and my dream is to help change it and give these kids the awareness to catch their language and thoughts before it becomes a story like mine did for over 28 years.


How does it all work?

Over 6 weekly sessions I share the BE HERE Method from my book, Watch YA Language. This is a practical, simple and fun experience for both the kids and teachers to invest in and put to practice the weekly steps at home, school and with their mates.







This method helped me shift nearly 30 years of practiced and learned behaviors, actions and habits to release the old story of not feeling enough and unworthiness, to a belief that I was deserving of feeling gratitude and appreciation for the body I was in, without the need for more.

Below is an Outline of the Method.

Meg recently visited Black Hill and delivered an engaging and meaningful 90-minute presentation to our entire school, from Kindergarten through to Year 6. Our children loved practising the relaxation techniques that Meg taught and were enthusiastic about joining in and sharing their thoughts.

Meg was also keen to relate her workshop to our current school wellbeing programs. During the workshop, she connected her focus concepts and stories to our school PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) expectations, further strengthening students’ understanding.

Feedback from our teachers indicated they also found the workshop valuable and insightful, with most now using Meg’s techniques and language in their own classrooms.

Meg’s message was simple, yet powerful, and so important for our children – to choose kindness, kindness to yourself and kindness to others.

A highly valuable and highly recommended presentation. Thank you, Meg!

Kylie South Principal

Black Hill Public School