Why work with Megs?

I have over 27 years of LIVED IN Experience with Body Image Struggles, Disordered Eating, Anxiety, Depression and a life of Comparison and Judgement. I get it. And that’s how I resonate with Kids and Adults who are going through the same.

What would it feel like to peel back the layers we have become to rely on. The layers that we have let define us for way too long. The layers that hold us back from our true self! Watch YA Language intends to allow you to bring back your personal power and voice. To speak up about the things that mean the world for you and choose to not face judgement. To Follow your heart and do what you love whilst serving others. To let your inner light shine and show the world what you are made of. To give your little girl permission to forgive herself and unlearn the old stories, patterns and beliefs. To surrender and let go to the YOU that has always been there. To the YOU that has always had love but let it cloud over with Self Sabotage , doubt, Criticism and fear. To the You that is ready. Your time is now.

How you will grow in WYL

  1. You are always creating.

    You are the creator of your own universe. The best way I have heard this described is to imagine your life as a movie. You are the one who chooses the tape to put in the player to play it out scene by scene. If we want to see a different movie on our screens, we MUST be the one that changes the tape in the player. Remember, we cannot always change our environment, but we can change the way we think and speak about it. You will learn here how to start to pay attention to the life (movie) that you are creating in each moment. Little by little, we start to pick up on the patterns and habits that don’t serve us and use different words and thoughts to create a new pattern.

  2. The words you speak become the house you live in - Start to shift YA self talk.

    We hone in here BIG TIME on what language you are choosing to speak to yourself. You might find that you give out great advice but find it hard to administer that to yourself. You may tell your little ones to be confident and not worry what others think, but what is the example you are setting for them….what do they see? I too well remember in my childhood seeing my mum wear cling wrap and eat diet (low Fat packet foods) and that put the idea in my head that It was cool to be thin and count calories. These patterns become an addiction if done over and over, day in and day out. SO the language you speak now to yourself is a PRACTICED pattern of words and thoughts that are now automatic. We default to this setting whenever adversity hits as we have not changed the subconscious mind…the programmed mind. Awareness of our words and being kind here is KEY to starting to create a new program and a new self.

  3. The science (energy and vibration)

    I freaking LOVE to talk on energy! As this has been a huge one for me for actually making the shift from self sabotage and body image disgust to loving and nurturing my physical body to keep it in great health ( mentally and physically) We dive into the science of thought and what actually happens in the brain when we think. Did you know that we have over 60 000 to 70 000 thoughts each day! This is nuts and if we are practicing thinking negative or self sabotaging thoughts, such as I wish I was 10 kilos lighter, or I hate the rolls on my tummy (or insert your own here) the more you think these thoughts, you are creating a strong neural connection which only will bring you more of these thoughts. Its the same when you are having a shitty day and you get stuck in thinking the world is against you…You are blaming others, going back to your own story of shame and guilt and the, ever popular, “why does this always happen to me” Honey…this is your creation. Here you will learn that by interrupting the thought with something that feels good, Neurally, we slowly start to change, and this starts to change your whole day. I promise. But it takes practice…and that’s why you’re here right?

  4. The mind and body connection

    Your body is your biggest teacher. If you are feeling sluggish, holding extra weight (especially around the belly and organs) constant back pain, tight hips, closed shoulders, neck tension, hair loss, skin breakouts, poor digestion, constipation, headaches, tired, irritated, stressed, anxious, inflammation or dis-ease feel a complete lack of energy for life itself, your body is trying to talk to you (and probably has been trying to get you to listen for a while) We notice what’s going on in our HEART in our physical bodies first. An emotion or a feeling starts in our heart, and that then generates the thought. You can FEEL when someone or something pushes your stuff, you get a physiological response. This is your moment to do something about your reaction! If you learn how to recognise what goes on in your Psyche when you feel emotions, you have the key to learning how to practice surrendering and softening not just your physical self, but your mental and emotional state as well.


    So Feeling better was something I never EVER thought was available to me. I was too stuck in my own Pity Party and Shit Storm that I was blaming everything around me for my situation, my money, my love life, my abusive relationships, my horror love and hate see saw with food and my body, my lack of abundance…I don’t need to go in deeper…Can you see how my thoughts were drawing more of the same in? The Law of Vibration states that the universe is always delivering. Whatever we pay attention to…in my case it was a sense of Lack, not enough and no money more of the same kept coming my way. It took Awareness of these thoughts and words, Kindness and Compassion to allow myself to see why I was doing this, and then the ability to shift gears and move to something that felt better. A simple mantra of “I choose to be kind to me today’ was a life saver for over a year. This helped me change my dialogue which slowly started to weaken the neural pathways that I knew so well (blame, shame and guilt) and start to strengthen some newer, unfamiliar ones (gratitude, kindness and then love). When we learn to Surrender, we learn that whatever has been is now irrelevant and we start to unravel layer upon layer of stored impressions to find our flow state.

  6. The old stories

    Oh wait…I thought they were gone? Well, no. If you are an Adult then we have to understand that we have been practicing these beliefs for an exceptionally long time. Dr Joe Dispenza states in his book You are the Placebo, “By the time we are in our 30s, our bodies know how to do it better than our minds” . We have programmed this belief in our minds for so long that the moment we are faced with an environment change, adversity or a set back, our brains will immediately go back to the shortest loop…the one of the old story. Don’t despair though, by now you are going to be armed with the tools to be at the ready for when this happens (and it does) to kindly say a big F%$K off, I don’t need to buy into you anymore. I choose THIS instead. BOOM ….Hello bringing back your POWER! These old stories, limited beliefs and stored (painful) emotions are called Samskaras (impressions) We choose to cling to them or resist them and created a blockage around the experience. WatchYAlanguage will help you let the blockage come up and allow ourselves to feel it, let it be there, nurture it and let it go…for Good! If we continue to supress and push back down emotions and feelings and pretend that one day they will disappear, then my friend, you will be storing this shit for the rest of your life and you will spend the rest of your life trying to avoid it. And that will take up SO much energy and resistance. Learn to let it go.

  7. Shift Gears

    Here we practice and repeat the steps of the BE HERE Method (the method I break down in my book, Watch YA Language) We can be sailing along…especially at this point, feeling freaking awesome, then BOOM. Something in our ENVIRONMENT changes. Relationship, Job, Money, Status. Whatever it may be we have to realise that sometimes we cannot change the environment, however we can change the way we THINK about it. Awareness is key, and we must be PRESENT to be aware. This is why this program is over a period of time. As habits and patterns take a while to implement and practice. Remember, nothing happens quickly. Things are hard and it takes patience, resilience and understanding that in time, better things are on the way.

  8. Gratitude, Appreciation and Love.

    We have to clear out the space before the goodness can come in. I always tried to practice gratitude and love, but I came from a place of Lack and the feeling didn’t feel real to me. I would say my affirmations and be like…yeah right! As if that’s ever going to happen. If we keep focusing on the things that we don’t want. (the lack of money, the bad relationships, the shitty jobs) then we will attract more of what we DONT want. We have to focus our attention on what it feels like to be living like it is already happening. And this can only be done when we allow space. Forgiveness is key, this is like clearing out your shoe closet. When you forgive and release the old limiting beliefs and thoughts, we create a little more space for the better feeling thoughts like gratitude and appreciation to come in! So we are SO ready to hone into our gratitude practice. Remember, consistency is key. Just like you practiced poor language to yourself for however many years….its about starting to practice saying thank you. Thank you to your body, thank you for the world we live in, thank you for simply just WAKING UP and getting another incredible day. This is it! Right now! NOT When I have this_______…Its now.

  9. Give Back and SERVE!

    You are here to be a light. All of us are. We are NOT separate. Separation, labels, our bodies, what we own, how we look will control us if we let it have power over us. The Dalai Lama once said…”if you base your happiness around who you are, the things you own, or what possessions you have, you will NEVER be happy, as you can lose all of that in an instant” It is not about not having these things, it is about not being attached to them if you lose it. I was defined by my body for years, not just my body but my weight, my skin, my hair, the job I held, the car I drove and the image I had on Social Media. I have since learned that none of that defines me and my true self is one of love and light…and I am EXACTLY the same as you. We are all JUST energy! Beings that are here to shine and serve others with our PASSION! We all have SOMETHING we are super pumped about…whatever that is, this is your light…Your gift to the world. All you have to do is strip it back, let go of the control of how you think it should turn out and ask God each day….How can I serve you today. By being quiet and listening you will be completely guided every single step of the way. Welcome to Ease, Synchronicity and Flow State. ….

And that’s another story…

Are you in?

Now available upon request, 10 WYL Coaching sessions at a discounted rate.


Now available upon request, 10 WYL Coaching sessions at a discounted rate. 〰️

Weekly or Fortnightly Coaching available - Online or in person. Details on link below. 6 or 10 session packages available

1 x 75 min weekly session inclusive of Discussion, Movement/Breathwork and/or meditation

1 x Practice for the week based on our Coaching Session

1 x video content including Mindfulness, Breathwork or Body Awareness. Advice on how to shift our Relationship with Food and Exercise.

There is NOTHING that we cannot conquer with the right mind.

Payment details and link here

PIF Link - 10 sessions $1600.00

Spread over weekly or fortnightly sessions (Total time up to five months)

10 Sessions

PIF Link - 6 Sessions $1099.00

Spread over weekly or fortnightly sessions. (Total time up to three months)

6 Sessions

Monthly Payment Option available upon request.

MOVEMENT INVESTMENT PACKAGE - Movement Coaching Only - Located at Infuse Health Adamstown

Single - $380 (6 sessions)

Double - $420 (6 sessions)

Movement Coaching Enquiry click here Movement Coaching


Both courses available in Person and Online! - LIMITED SPACES


Both courses available in Person and Online! - LIMITED SPACES 〰️



3 Part Meditation Series to release judgement and comparsion - $24.99

The First Step to a Deeper Understanding of Your Body and Mind.

Here you can receive three meditations that you can access at your fingertips.

Simple, targeted and guided messages to help you move through times of unease, lean back into love, and let go of perfection.

1 - 10 mins - Feel Good Meditation. A meditation to help you become aware of your energy to shift it to gratitude and appreciation.

2 - 20 mins - A Meditation to guide you from comparison and judgement to acceptance and compassion.

3 - 30 mins - A divine 30 minute practice allowing you to let go of perfection and embrace your authentic, raw and beautiful self!

Link to purchase

Three Part Meditation Series

2 hour foot (and spine) immersion including exercises.

Poor foot function. Poor movement.

Its really that simple

We need to start looking at things such as knee pain, hip tightness and dysfunction, planter fasciaitis and back pain, as a possible knock on effect from lack of love to our feet.

That might sound a bit strange to you but I dare you to take a moment and think about when was the last time you worked the muscles in your feet, practiced spreading your toes and balancing on uneven surfaces?

For many of us that answer is not very often as we are living in a world where we sit on chairs that are not made for our bodes ( the hip is a ball and socket joint, not a hinge) and shoes that are not designed for feet. (Narrow at the top and are elevated at the heel)

I encourage you to invest in this interactive two hour online immersion, inclusive of exercises you can do to strengthen those four layers of muscle on the underside of your feet. Not only will your feet start to remember what its like to be feet, but we will work the stabilising muscles around the joints of the knee and ankle, and build some strength in our glute mead... you know the one the physio always tells you is weak?

For anyone who sits often, wears shoes or your inner archers are near collapse…You can change it. Just like anything, it takes commitment, practice, repetition and the will to give it a go.

Session one and Session 2 available for download now!

Foot Health Immersion