so, here we are…


The stars have aligned and you are here…


No one deserves low self worth

Hell no! But why do we do it? Why do we drag ourselves through years of self-sabotage, hate, eating disorders, body bullying, excessive exercising, draining diets, countless restrictions, calorie goals, inner thigh goals, picture editing, face tuning and constant comparison?

Why are we so hell bent on what others think of us, why do we people please all the time and fear the worst when (god forbid) we try something new and we may be judged. Why are we so damn scared all the time?

Look where we are. We are faced with over 500 images per day that shape our beliefs and our reality IF WE LET IT. All around us the world tells us we are not good enough as we are. We need this brand of shoes, this makeup, this dress size, this social status, this house in this suburb, this family with this many children and a white picket fence by the age of 30, this standard, this result, this image, this expectation, this judgemental and greedy world of money that only wants us to spend more so that we feel less and less empowered about ourselves.

And I was right there, caught up in it all. Caught up in my own pity party and stories of not being enough, not feeling accepted and in a constant day to day practice of people pleasing. Everything we Practice grows stronger…

Oh hello Anorexia, Bulimia, Body Dysmorphia, Orthorexia and Anxiety.

That was a story. That is now irrelevant. What is important as the work I do now is based on that 25 year LIVED IN body and mind experience. That experience was a gift that I am so grateful to have gone through to be here today to open a space for the above. This is a space where I am so passionate about changing our language on a worldwide scale, as that is how I shifted from my pattern and addictive eating patterns and self-sabotage, to that place of compassion and kindness.

In my book, Watch YA Language, I speak to an audience who may be struggling with presence. To not only those who have, or who are going through Disordered Eating, but those who are challenged with comparison, the need to be more, low self-worth, addictive behaviors, poor mental health, clarity, overwhelm, people pleasing, perfection and who struggle to embrace their authenticity.

It is ONLY from our authenticity that we are able to shine light, step into who we are at our soul, realise that we are NOT going to liked by everyone, and that is OK! From this space, you then provide a permission slip for another human to do the same…( Yes this indeed is monkey see, monkey do, especially if you have little ones).

The world NEEDS US right now. Mother Nature is a little ‘pissed off’ so to speak, but we have the power to change it. When we are kind. When we stop acting out of our Ego and understand that we are all one, we are all connected, and we are all love…we show the Universe, God, Source, Divine…whoever you pray to, that we are SO DAMN WORTHY! This then allows us to shift our vibration on a bigger scale…a scale that can change the world!

So how does this change the world? By each of us coming back to a state of love and kindness…releasing judgement, letting go of being right, FORGIVING ourselves and releasing resentment and regret. If we allow ourselves to ACCEPT ourselves…we show up as our highest self and the universe will back us for that.

Kind is the way forward. Attacking anger with anger is not the answer. Not one of us is more powerful than another. Whilst we have been given this incredible gift of a body, it is now time to start to be kind to ourselves and make a difference in the world.

Changing our Dialogue is simply about becoming aware of the language we are constantly talking to ourselves, acknowledge it, become aware of how this feels in our body, recognising the emotion, and then choosing again with Compassion.

Sounds easy and Simple right? but if we have practiced Self Sabotage for 10, 20 or 50 years, it is going to take time to undo it…Hence why I share the BE HERE Method in my book that helped me slowly unravel my old limiting beliefs, become aware of my triggers, and turn those triggers into my teachers.

Be gentle with the ride. Be Curious not Critical about the new journey that is about to unfold for you and embrace it with Love. Because it’s what we all need right now, and its our natural state!

We take nothing with us in this lifetime…so why do we become so attached?
If we are holding onto attachment or resisting something, then there is work to be done. #watchyalanguage

We are always receiving, never pushing away. So whatever energy we put out there, whether it is negative or positive…the Universe will send that back to us.

When we, You, Me, Your Kids, Your Family and the people around you start to shift our language, we can start to move forward together being kind. Imagine if social media only accepted comments and posts that lifted each other up, rather than gossip about others, belittle them, shame them or judge them…wouldn’t the world be an amazing place.

It starts with YOU.

And no. It didn’t happen overnight. In fact, it’s still a work in progress. It’s all about the ‘Work” Some days are harder than the others, but I know each day now that I am always growing. I am accepting of the hard days as I know they are my biggest teachers, and I am able to be there and walk with my feelings rather than shame them or hide them away.

This is from me to you. It melts my heart to see others change the way they talk to themselves, and it feels so much better! My work is not limited to small kids, Teens, Boys, Girls, Adults and now Older Adults who are ready and willing to try on a new story for size and kick the old one to dust. To relax, release, to let go and create a story that will hold you and serve you from this moment forward. We are not bound by anything in our past, but it is UP to US to recognise the limiting belief, own up to it, and choose to give ourselves permission to free ourselves from our old patterns and wiring.

So here you are x

Keen to chat more? Book in a discovery call today Discovery Call


Why You’re here

  • You are OVER talking to yourself with shitty self talk!

  • You want to share a postitive and authentic body image message to your kids.

  • You are a people pleaser and it’s now time to do YOU!

  • You are ready to be kinder to yourself and learn how to accept yourself AS YOU ARE!

Who AM I?

  • I deliver Watch YA Language in schools, online, personal coaching and to big kids around Australia.

  • A Passionate movement and yoga Teacher and upside down enthusiast.

  • An Ayurvedic, Yin Yoga, Functional Anatomy and Movement Student

  • A researcher of the brain and autonomic nervous system including our old patterns and addictions.

  • A writer who’s soul lights up and her heart speaks in her books. My second book, the perfection pandemic will be out 2023.